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Pink Universe GOD Studio Designs

Plan, Develop & Innovate


Designing is the creative formula to diverse concepts. It can be found in many fields. From clothing to interior design, landscape architecture, to web design, motion design and sound design; the potential is limitless...


The best part of GOD STUDIO is that we want to represent, not only the arts, but to expand to any potential field that requires designing. We believe that with the years to come we will expand the artistic culture and touch many other fields such as interior design, architecture, technology, web or graphic design and so much more.






Genuine Outrageous Design was first introduce to fashion, then videography, photography & discography.

When developing our designs, we aim to enjoy the creative progress and remain genuine by playing with colours and shapes. We love to give real meaning to our Products.

We co-create with numerous artists all other the world, with a vision to give you products that make you say "WOW!"

We aspire to translate every sort of topic through our designs; from astrological signs, to Galaxies, Art, Drawings, Comics, World-Wide Cultures and Modern Fashion... Imagination is limitless.

A Wise Man once said:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge,

Knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire World and all there ever will be to know and understand." His name was Albert Einstein.


The Designs will soon be for sale. Subscribe to stay updated.

The Virgo.jpg

The Zodiac

Coming Soon

The Myths

Coming Soon
Superhero back.jpg

The Arts

Coming Soon
Pink Universe GOD Studio Designs


We've teamed up with the best Partner to bring satisfaction to you.

In the near future we will be expanding with diverse designs.
Stay connected and subscribe for future updates.


Website Design


Graphic Design

Taurus Front.jpg

Interior & Architecture Design

Coming Soon
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